6.21K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
6.21K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

I moved recently and my movers scuffed the sides of my bookshelves with white paint. Any attempts to remove the white paint is also removing the cherry wood staining. I want to keep the integrity of the bookshelves when I attempt to stain them.


How in the world did any reputable moving company do that ??
Are they insured ??


No, not very reputable it seems. Just to show cheapest isn’t always the best.

I wish the pictures of the piece were small enough so you could see them as a whole. They are very beautiful bookshelves.


If its white latex paint,, warm water will soften it I have taken a lot of it off this way !! You just have to wet a washcloth with very warm soapy water and hold it on the paint !! May take several applications !! Latex is water based paint !!
Can you post a pic of the damaged area ??

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