6.21K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
6.21K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

I moved recently and my movers scuffed the sides of my bookshelves with white paint. Any attempts to remove the white paint is also removing the cherry wood staining. I want to keep the integrity of the bookshelves when I attempt to stain them.


Let me know if you cant see the pics, I’m having issues seeing them.

And I used a Mister clean sponge, but i didn’t want to press too hard as some of the paint came off the first time.


If its white latex paint,, warm water will soften it I have taken a lot of it off this way !! You just have to wet a washcloth with very warm soapy water and hold it on the paint !! May take several applications !! Latex is water based paint !!
Can you post a pic of the damaged area ??

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