5.85K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
5.85K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

I’m a Newbie to this forum and hoping for some advice.

I just purchased a pair (almost similar) of cast iron armchairs.
I am unsure of their value and don’t want to make a mistake. So I would like to know if I should just clean them up and leave them in their original condition or to restore it from scratch and

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you



They are certainly worth buying if price is affordable and they are structurally OK !! Nothing bent up or broken !! Screws are no big deal,, they can be replaced easy enough !! Are they in Bali too ??
These look like they have none of the original finish left !! These would be better repainted !! How many of these chairs are there ?? What are they asking for these ??

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