4.99K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
4.99K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

My elderly next door neighbor wants me to help him sell off his furniture but it get’s difficult for me without markings. Here is what I was told….He purchased the piece in the 1970s for several thousand dollars. It was a Butlers Desk from the Mid 18th – Early 19th Century and came from a Plantation in Maryland said to have ties with Benjamin Franklin. I can see there is a quill holder on the piece. The knobs appear to be made of bone, I’m at a loss to price this for him and thought maybe somebody here might have some insight. Links to the pictures are below



Does not seem like I am making any headway !! Mart,,,Martha,, you couldn`t guess ?? Mart is what all my aunts , uncles and cousins called me when growing up !! I can hear my great aunt now telling me,,”Mart, clean out your pockets” before she would let me in her house !! I had a few creepy crawlies at times !!


LOL, yeah, thought i would see forum board up close. I never knew your name was Martha!
This forum seems very slow, very few postings, guesses Mart is trying to revive it!


Jacon4, Glad to see someones name besides mine !!


Well, I decided to check out this forum after Martha asked me to comment on this desk.

Sadly, as noted in earlier posts, some large antique furniture pieces have taken a big hit in the market place over the last 20 years or so for various reasons. Naturally, if there is a unique provenance or other historical history on the piece it can make a HUGE difference in the price it commands.
Martha makes a good point in that, where you sell the object can also make a big difference in the price you get. I would do a bit of research on past sales of auction sites and see what area of the country prices are best and then try to market in that area first.


I posted the link so you could read all opinions !! While the values quoted hold true for many desks and as Jacon4 said,,most large pieces of furniture,,I still think it might do a little better than those numbers with proper advertising !!

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