3.97K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting
3.97K viewsFurniture, Clocks, & Lighting

I inherited an off white Heritage couch with a hand painted design. The pillows have very beautiful fruit. It has wheels.
Can you help me find out the year and any history on it?
I’m undecided as to what I should do as far as keeping it or selling it.


First I would verify that it is indeed made by Drexel Heritage !! They have a website and will look up the sofa from the product number if it is theirs !! You should find the number on the underside of the sofa !! They do not asses value though !! I looked up several for you about the same size and most run from $600. to $1200. if in good to excellent condition !! The fruit on the pillows may not be a selling point because not all would like it !! If they are reversible be sure to state that when you are selling it !! I did not find other Drexel sofa`s with this type of pattern on the pillows !! Wonder if it was a custom order or done at a later time !!

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