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I think it might be carved wood. It’s not that heavy. So whatever it’s made out of , it’s light. I thought it might be carved balsa wood. My boyfriend found it at a second hand store, and give it to me for my birthday. Would appreciate any knowledge about it.[attachment]photo 710 18-26-48.jpg[/attachment]


Where do you and the boyfriend live ?? USA or other ?? I ask because there are some southern trees in the U.S. that are very light weight when dry and can be easily carved !! Can you post a pic of the bottom ??


We live in Ohio. My boyfriend thinks it’s some kind of ceramic.[attachment]photo 1210 14-3-39.jpg[/attachment]


I agree that it appears to be ceramic but there are other things mixed with resin that look similar !! What size is this figurine ?? Fairies have been popular imports for several years !!


She sits almost 9″ tall.


She sits almost 9″ tall.

  • Kovels

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