
I recently bought this desert/beverage trolley on auction. I love it! I’ve seen a few online and I was wondering if any knew its maker?
From what I’ve gathered, it’s French, around 1950’s. Some describe it as brass, others as bronze.
Does anyone have any additional information?

Much Appreciated!


Ok, I cleaned her up! The problem I had was the removable tray on the top. I thought it was wood but after cleaning it, it turned out to be some kind of other material. I guess some type of plastic/resin? I don’t know. It was painted to appear like wood but as I said, when I was cleaning the gunk off of it, the paint came off and underneath there was some kind of whitish material.
I’m going to try and sell it on Ebay before Christmas but if it doesn’t sell, I will have a wood frame made for the tray.
Since the finish came off, I was stuck with how to fix it. I used gold arcylic paint (in an attempt to match the brass color) and then I went over it again with gold colored guilder’s paste. I absolutely HATED doing that but given my time constraints in getting it listed, I had no choice.
Let me tell you…..I took the entire thing apart and cleaned it inch by inch to get rid of the chaulky brass cleaner buildup that was in every nook and cranny. I also bought new brass screws and nuts and added brass and rubber washers.
The front casters were heavily pitted and rusted. I scrubbed and scrubbed with sand paper, brillo pads, etc to no avail. Could not find replacements online so I just had to spray paint them. And yes, I hated doing that too..
This past week I found another one listed online for $5,400. If I find the link again I will post it. I guess brass tea carts are the new Black? 😉
Thank you all for helping me out. I really appreciate it!


Wow !! Thats a lot of polishing !! Guess your next trip will be to the nail salon !! I could not see the earlier pics close enough to tell it had been faux finished !! There are some purists who like the old patina and others who prefer the bright and clean look !! Looks great !! Don`t believe all the asking prices you see !! Rarely do they sell for that much !! Hope yours does well !! Please update us on the sale !! Keeps us up to date !! Good Luck !!


Glad to help when possible !! Perhaps you would enjoy he site I linked to !! Usually I am the only one here !! Friedrich pops in for anything related to German porcelain and thats about it !! The forum I linked to above is like a family and has excellent researchers including the one here that gave all the additional info about your cart !!
We would be happy to have you as a member !! I think you would enjoy it !!


This is in French Style of a Tea/Patisserie Cart and some even refer to them as a Trolley. Establishments in Europe would use this style because so many have patios or “open air” dining and this style would protect the pastries and sandwiches from the outside elements. You can find this style more often in beautifully carved Mahagony with Brass from the late 1800’s to mid 1900’s.
You can even see this style used today in France in a Brasserie, Cafe or “Salons de thé” that specializes in drinks and pastries.

  • Kovels

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