Hi there, new to the site. Wondering if anyone can help find the value and maybe some history on an item. It is a small ring mail purse. I beleive it is made of silver. It was among my late grandfathers posessions. He was a canadian soldier in WWII. So thinking it possibly is from europe. Any help would be much appreciated


I certainly would be pleased to help but why not just post the items on antique-shop.com ?? We are one big family there and you could get a wider range of opinions !! Each one there has an area that is their main area of interest but most all ,,like me,, has many years in the antique world !! They would be pleased to help as well and we would love to have you as a member !! We do have fun there so expect a little banter occasionally !! I would be pleased to help with any description you may need if it is within my scope !! That is one thing that can make or break a sale !!
As far as I know this site has no PM system but antique-shop does !!
Yes as to the purse,, that is correct !! Several European countries used the 800 purity mark for sterling over the years !!


Well thank for for your help. I am book marking your other site as to drive my (and others) traffic to there since you are so helpful.

Use to recap. my marked 800 is of significant weight so if i posted it to ebay or rubylane or another site i can claim that it is 80% silver.

thanks again. i will find a way to pay forward your help. as a matter of fact if you would like to private message me i wouldn’t mind sending you a list of stuff i have any maybe you could assist me in moving / describing it and i’d love to compensate you for your efforts. i do have a lot of furniture, antiques collectibles and fine art including quite a few low # bronze Etres’ that i am liquidating… as well as some prominent Russian Original Oil on Canvas.

If that’s against the rules or inappropriate i am most sorry.


Usually I am the only one here !! We do have a German porcelain expert that pops in occasionally !! When I started there was no one at all !! I am on another forum (www.antique-shop.com) so I started trying to help during slow times !! I have been in this business off and on for the last 30+ years !! Furniture is my main area of interest but have a general knowledge in many subjects !! If I do not know the answer I can cross post to the other forum !! Usually most things are not that hard to find !! I also sell on ebay so I keep up with selling prices !!
Nice to meet you !!
No,, I am not a moderator !! I think they have moderators but they have never made themselves known on the forum !! Very unlike other groups !!


I have a similar one – a little larger w/ a coin purse inside… it’s marked 800, I believe (euro / german) of 80% silver. Check you’s for markings like that… i was hoping my was the same as the Tiffany one i put a pic of below.. It even came in a Tiffany bag, but no other markings indicating that it was Tiff

marthahill, are you the only one answering questions around here?? you have been the only one to reply to me twice and i am about to ask another question in the silver marking discussion page abt a mark on a vintage napkin holder – and it will prob be you that sees it first.

Are you the the moderator of the forums?


If it were silver it would be stamped somewhere on it !! These were not usually made of silver except German silver which has no real silver at all !! All countries have regulations on precious metals so there would be at the least a purity mark such as the US which has a 925 purity mark for sterling !!
Many purses similar to this were made in the early to mid 1900`s !! Only the more unusual types sell well !! Like yours are usually around $30. !!
Would be worth more as a keepsake since it was your fathers !!

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