I have spent hours Googling this object…It looks like it may be a part of an atomizer/perfume bottle…or maybe a oil/vinegar bottle. The bottom appears to be made of some sort of antiquated plastic (Bakelite/Lucite/celluloid/other?)I apologize for the poor image quality but it is the only camera I have at the moment. I really have no idea what this is or what it is worth (if anything). I got it for $1 at a thrift store and it was not labeled but I believe it may be quite old (who knows if it really is). I would love any input from anyone!It has a marking on the bottom but it is partially worn-off…I can post it later if anyone has any ideas (it looks like a “c”/moon or something that was stamped in to the metal, but part of it has worn off).I thought I should show this picture first–the long nozzle unscrews.
[img size=150][/img] [img size=314]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/mystery_object.jpg[/img]

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