Here is another picture of the mark: [img size=450][/img]

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Here are the markings on the back: [img size=400][/img]

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Here are the markings on the back: It reads "T&V Limoges France Bepose(?)"

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Here are the markings on the back of the bowl. The markings on the back of the plate are identical, but without the "20645". [img size=400][/img]

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Here are the bowl and plate together: [img size=400][/img]

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Here are the markings on the back. The red lettering reads "Haviland & Co. Limoges" [img size=400][/img]

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Here are the markings on the back: [img size=400][/img]

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Here is a closeup: [img size=400][/img]

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Here is a closeup. [img size=400][/img]

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Here are the markings on the back. [img size=400][/img]

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