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Need help identifying perhaps unique old glass

Hello Still havent received any responses from the corning glass musuem. Anybody with another thought over here?? Regards

March 6, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Need help identifying perhaps unique old glass

Hi martha I did that twice by email (didn't mean normal mail that's ages ago ;-). Regards

March 6, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Need help identifying perhaps unique old glass

Hi thanks for the thougts I will later on certainly share the specialist information.

March 6, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Need help identifying perhaps unique old glass

Hello I went to an ancient glass expert. She took her time to examine the piece and she thought that it was a 19th century Italian reproduction. She said it was a handblown dipmolded piece. The value...

March 6, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Need help identifying perhaps unique old glass

Hi Martha Thanks for your thoughts i did send some pics by mail to the corning museum (last week) but didn't get a reply from them. I will wait a few days more for an answer of them. More experts is a...

March 6, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Need help identifying perhaps unique old glass

Hi martha Feel free to do so all the help is welkom. Just like you say this item is in my opninion indeed worth to find out it's history (after all my searching still haven't found something like mine...

March 6, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Need help identifying perhaps unique old glass

Hi thanx for reading my message i got this item by a house cleaning from elderly people who moved out of their house. it stood by some trash and it intrigued me directly so I took it home. I really don't...

March 6, 2019 5
Asked a question
Need help identifying perhaps unique old glass

Hello everybody I am looking for some help on this item it's weight is about 780 grams it's measures are 18 heigh 13 width 9,5 depth (cm). It's a heavy piece with thickwanded glass. I think it's a free...

March 5, 2019 2

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