Posted an answer
Can I get help identifying this plate?


July 8, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Does anyone know about these bookends?


July 8, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Can someone please help identify this stone?

oh the last item in my hand is a cigarette cup!

July 8, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Can someone please help identify this stone?

hi, thanks for your reply - i hadn’t considered that, how do i do hot pin test? yes, they’re on the snaller side, personal sized ashtrays, and i do beleive they’re from 50s or 60s. a friend gave...

July 8, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Please help finding make & pattern

wow ok thank you!

July 8, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Please help finding make & pattern

hi, it's pottery

July 8, 2019 5
Posted an answer
Please help finding make & pattern

no, it’s smooth. i know it belonged to my great great aunt

July 8, 2019 5
Asked a question
Can someone please help identify this stone?

hi can someone help identify this stone, is it marble, onyx, i can't tell, thanks in advance!

July 8, 2019 2
Asked a question
Does anyone know about these bookends?

Hi, I found these bookends in my Mom's attic, and I'd like to know more about them. Thanks in advance!

July 8, 2019 2
Asked a question
Can I get help identifying this plate?

can someone please help me identify this plate? thanks in advance!

July 8, 2019 2
Asked a question
Please help finding make & pattern

Hi, trying to find out what brand and pattern this might be, thanks in advance!

July 8, 2019 2

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