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Approximately 11 1/2 inches long.
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Answer from Kovels: Great guesses everyone! This is a 19th-century Weir’s patent Zig-Zag compound lever corkscrew by Healey and Sons.
It’s a corkscrew.
An accordion corkscrew to open wine bottles?
Cork screw open / wine bottle opener
It is an antique “Concertina” corkscrew British patent 12804 dated Sept 25, 1884 designed/invented by Arthur Marshall Weir and manufactured by J. Heeley and Sons.
Looks like a corkscrew
Could be a manual bung puller. Older beer kegs had a wood plug called a bung, it covered hole that the keg was filled through. When used keg came back to the brewery, the bung was pulled , the keg washed, refilled, and a new bung was driven into the keg. I have only seen powered bung pullers.
Leaver Corkscrew
A concertina corkscrew from 1884.
Antique Corkscrew
To carry blocks of ice to the house from your wagon/truck?
Heeley Lazy Tongs Corkscrew
A very good example of Marshall
Wier’s 1884 concertina corkscrew
manufactured by James Heeley &
Wier’s concertina corkscrew
Concertina Corkscrew
Marshall Arthur Wier of Upper Norwood, Surrey, England, invented the compound levers.
Patent No. 12 804 from Sept. 25, 1884.
cork screw, the accordion part adds leverage.
Weir’s patent corkscrew
Cork screw
Looks like it might be a very early corkscrew…
I don’t know what else it can be other than a fancy corkscrew.
looks like a cork screw…perhaps for something larger than winebottles
I’m guessing a corkscrew for very large barrels with very deep corks.
It is a old fashioned cork screw
It may be a cork or bung puller, aka corkscrew, but it looks quite large so maybe it was used to pull the bung from casks of wine and spirits!
Vintage Concertina corkscrew. c. 1884
XL cork screw !
Whiskey barrel cork screw