Be the first to guess the pictured item by leaving a comment below. If you have your own whatsit, our editors may include it in a future post. Please send an email to and attach a clear picture, the size, and any markings. Hopefully, we will be able to identify it for our readers!

It measures approximately 3.5 in h x 37 in l x 3.5 in d.

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17 responses to “#Whatsitwednesday”

  1. Kovels says:

    @ It is a vintage classic style of brass fire hose nozzle from the 1920s-1930s. The photo is as large as it can be in this format without pixelating. If this one is too small, it can be right-clicked and opened in a different window to be examined in greater detail. Additionally, the size is in the post. These are meant to stump, which generally doesn’t happen because so many people are quick to use Google images. This one just happened to be tougher than previous whatsits.

  2. says:

    “vintage industrial brass classic firemen’s hose nozzle”???? Okay, it is Kovels so we expect it to be vintage, but is it the industry that is vintage, the brass, the hose or the nozzle? Is there a difference between industrial brass and the copper alloy we are familiar with? Classic? As in Roman or Greek? Classic Firemen. like a Norman Rockwell version? Or is it a Classic (meaning basic) hose nozzle? Why such a tiny picture of a large item? There were obviously lots of commentators confused about the size.

  3. Kovels says:

    It’s hard to believe, but we finally came up with one that stumped everybody. It’s a vintage industrial brass classic firemen’s hose nozzle.

  4. Stephanie D’Innocenzo says:

    A mechanical pen with different chambers of colored ink/lead that you can choose which color you want to write with by pushing down a chosen tab.

  5. mara1007 says:

    A site for a rifle maybe

  6. nancikay says:

    I think it looks like it could be an internal part to a pipe organ or some other brass instrument. The seal on the end would prevent air from leaking. Wild guess.

  7. garioki says:

    Brass Telescope.

  8. Archaedigger says:

    At over 3 feet long and a good sized diameter I’m guessing this may be some type of optical device. It’s not uncommon to see telescopes or kaleidoscopes made of brass. Just a hunch on my part.

  9. PPiman says:

    It looks like some sort of telescope.

  10. sk8trgrrl says:

    Is it a spyglass/telescope?

  11. 2parrotsandadog says:


  12. limerickey says:

    The measurements are very confusing, at least to me. Going by the photo only, I’m guessing a collapsible conductor’s baton, with a clip added so the conductor can carry it in his breast pocket.

  13. ewenadamson says:

    It’s an early 20th centuary, or possibly very late 19th centuary propelling pencil.

  14. JP91306 says:

    Optical device of some sort. Microscope, telescope. Don’t know this one.

  15. kmc018 says:

    Lipstick brush.

  16. adeleben says:

    Possibly a cigarette holder.

  17. DOBIE66 says:

    My guesses are either an Antique Brass Quill pen or Tire Gauge

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