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It measures approximately 11 in h x 8 in w.

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5-1-2024 #whatsitwednesday

7 responses to “#Whatsitwednesday”

  1. Kovels says:

    This is a Cloisonne flower pattern hat stand. It was an official court or official dignitaries’ hat stand originally for the special placement of crown hats.

  2. bluemoonantiques says:

    Cloisonne wig stand?

  3. ktwb says:

    Is it a Chinese meditation ball and stand? It may have a bell inside. I used to see smaller versions at Cost Plus. Chinese because of the cloisonné Chinese symbols like the lotus and the butterfly. Like on a dragon robe.

  4. sk8trgrrl says:

    Raised Relief Cloisonné Ball on Stand??

  5. flash472002 says:

    Cloisonne decorative globe, Chinese or Japanese.

  6. hunterfinder says:

    cloisonne windproof ashtray

  7. zvicki says:

    Antique? Asian – Japan/China? Cloisonné Puzzle ball on stand…

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